WILLMAR — August 13, 2015 – Friends and financial supporters of Bethesda celebrated the “raising of the steel’’ for one of the new buildings on the $21 million redevelopment of the senior care campus in Willmar and received an update Thursday on the $3 million fundraising campaign for the new “town center’’ portion of the project.
Construction on the redevelopment began last summer and will be completed in the spring of 2016.
The redevelopment involves replacing the aging Heritage facility with new “neighborhood”-style, long-term care beds on the Pleasant View site. A 36-bed short-term stay and therapy center is being developed on the east end of the campus.
The town center with a cafe, chapel and other amenities will create spaces where people can gather and mingle and the community can be invited in. Bethesda officials and board members say that the town center will provide amenities that are critical to Bethesda’s mission and quality of life for residents and their families.
The redevelopment reflects a changing paradigm for how services are provided to older adults: more options, more flexibility, an environment that is home-like rather than institutional, and an emphasis on social connections, activity and the needs of the whole person.
Board Chairwoman Carla Lagerstedt said the raising of the steel celebrates a very visible milestone in Bethesda’s journey, and she thanked the many people involved with conceptualizing and working on the project. “There has never been a more exciting time in the history of Bethesda than now,’’ she said.