Bethesda, a community dedicated to enhancing the lives of its residents, is excited to announce a new initiative to promote healthy lifestyles and physical wellness. As a selected grantee of the Minnesota Department of Human Services funding initiative, the Performance-based Incentive Payment Program (PIPP) program, Bethesda will be able to enhance the quality of life of its residents through innovative wellness programming that combats isolation, improves mental well-being, and decreases falls. Through this project, personal trainers within Club Bethesda have been contracted to offer a program internally known as “Keep Moving” wellness classes. These vibrant, resident-focused classes are available within Bethesda’s various neighborhood areas consistently throughout the week. Individual sessions are also available for those who prefer one-on-one instruction.
The classes will focus on a variety of exercises that can be done seated, with an emphasis on resistance training, cardio, and stretching. The trainers will use a variety of equipment to help residents achieve their fitness goals and encourage fall prevention, including resistance bands, weighted balls, foot sliders, and more. The equipment will be purchased specifically for the classes, ensuring that residents have access to the best possible tools to help them stay active and healthy.
In addition to the physical benefits of regular exercise, the “Keep Moving” classes will also provide an opportunity for residents to connect with each other and build a sense of community. The trainers will create a supportive and welcoming environment that encourages participation and inclusivity.
The classes will be tailored to suit the needs and abilities of each participant, making them accessible for people of all ages and fitness levels. The trainers will work with residents to set individualized fitness goals and provide guidance and encouragement to help them achieve those goals. Whether residents are looking to lose weight, gain muscle, or maintain a healthy lifestyle, the “Keep Moving” classes will be an excellent resource.
Bethesda’s commitment to promoting wellness and fitness is an example for all communities to follow, and this initiative serves as an indication that with effort and resources, a healthy lifestyle can be made accessible and convenient for everyone.”